A dance diptych representing the incessant motion of the soul, oscillating between heaven and hell in a never-ending cycle of maturing.
“The final mystery is oneself. When one has weighed the sun in the balance, and measured the steps of the moon, and mapped out the seven heavens star by star, there still remains oneself. Who can calculate the orbit of his own soul?”
Oscar Wilde
„Tím posledním tajemstvím je sám člověk. Kdyby někdo zvážil slunce na vahách, změřil fáze měsíce a zmapoval hvězdy sedmi nebí, stále zbývá on sám. Kdo může spočítat oběžnou dráhu své vlastní duše?"
Oscar Wilde
Michal Záhora byl za taneční výkon v představení Diptych nominován na Cenu Thalie 2015!
"... the male duet is quite simply extraordinary, innovative choreography… The dance and physical material is completely novel, an act of pure original creation by the choreographer. There is not a single dance cliché."
(Nina Vangeli, Divadelní noviny, 9. 12. 2014)
"…the choreography is brilliantly constructed on the basis of contrasts, whether of movement or light, and thus fully lives up to its name. Each thing here has its partner, completion or opposite. The lighting and the interplay of light and shadow with the dancers is an extraordinary achievement."
(Jakub Novák, Taneční zóna, 5. 11. 2014)