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Eun-Me Ahn had a traditional Korean upbringing, but besides shamanic traditions, she soon discovered the world of Isadora Duncan and Western dance. She decided to continue her studies in New York and stayed there for several years. She was very close to Pina Bausch, who has often invited her to Wuppertal since the early 2000s. In Korea she headed the Tegu (Daegu) ensemble, where she also created the opening ceremonies for the FIFA World Cup (2002). Let Me Change Your Name was created four years later, followed by Princess Bari, with which she began touring the world. Her trilogy dedicated to Korean grandmothers, teenagers and mature men, whose most famous section “Dancing Grandmothers” (2011) was performed at the culmination of last year’s 30th annual TANEC PRAHA Festival, has gained world renown.

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